مينا مارك بيتش ريزورت الغردقه 3 ليالى 4 ايام

  • 1

    بحث فى العروض

  • 2

    حجز العرض

  • 3

    تأكيد الحجز

من : 09/07/2020
إلى : 30/07/2020



• الأسعار الموضحة أعلاه هي سعر الفرد فى الغرفة فى 3 ليالى بناءً على Soft All Inclusive.

لا يشمل

 - الانتقالات 


• الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 0 و 11.99 عامًا يشاركون غرفة الوالدين وسيستمتعون بالإقامة المجانية والوجبات مع طفلين كحد أقصى في الغرفة باستثناء فئات الغرف الكلاسيكية.
• يستمتع الطفل الأول من سن 6 حتى 11.99 عامًا بمشاركة غرفة الوالدين في الإقامة والوجبات المجانية دون سرير إضافي.
• سيتم احتساب 50 ٪ من سعر البالغين للطفل الثاني من سن 6 حتى 11.99 عامًا والذي يتقاسم غرفة الوالدين مع نفس خطة الوجبة لكل غرفة في الليلة مع طفلين كحد أقصى لكل غرفة باستثناء الغرف الكلاسيكية.
• ابتداءً من 12 ، يحتسب كفرد بالغ فى الغرف الثلاثية للبالغين.
• عند مشاركة غرف الوالدين ، يكون الحجز دائمًا وفقًا لخطة الوجبة نفسها.
• يمكن إضافة سرير واحد إضافي أو سرير أريكة - إذا تم الدفع - في الغرفة باستثناء فئات الغرف الكلاسيكية.
الأسعار المذكورة أعلاه صالحة فقط لـ للمصريين والاجانب المقمين فقط _
الأسعار أعلاه للشخص الواحد في الليلة _
الأسعار أعلاه تستند إلى غرفة قياسية مطلة على الجبل_
الأسعار المذكورة أعلاه مبنية على أساس الاقامه الكامله بدون مشروبات كحوليه ، بما في ذلك رسوم الخدمة والضرائب الخاضعة للتغيير _

شروط الحجز و الإلغاء

Terms & Conditions
To Confirm the booking you have to paid the 100% of the reserve. Once your on request reservation has been confirmed the deadline payment is three days. Then you have to paid the 100% amount.
1.The client / user shall be liable for the authenticity of the information provided to the system for carrying out the booking and specifically for the veracity of the credit card data.
2. The client / user shall be liable for the email address and / or other forms of contact and for all intents and purposes shall be accepted as correct for any type of notification.
3. The client / user authorizes the establishment/s of their choice to charge their credit card total of the booking and / or the cancellation and / or modification expenses, if applicable, as stated in the terms published on this website.
4. Before confirming the final booking and proceeding with your payment, make sure you have chosen exactly what you want because the services to be received shall exclusively be those appearing in the confirmation. It might be impossible to modify them afterwards.
5. Any modification and / or cancellation of your booking must be made via the system through the localizer stated on your service voucher.
6. The booking contract shall be understood as taking effect between the client and the establishment chosen, and Juniper shall act simply as a marketing platform and not provide any hotel services, guides, receptive agents, etc. whatsoever.
7. Juniper only publishes information, descriptions, prices and other data provided by the hotels, and in no way shall be liable for its veracity or accuracy, or for any other aspect. Any complaint referring to this should be made to the establishment in question.
8. Confirmation of your automatic system-made booking is subject to the collection of your credit card payment charged by the hotel and, if this is not possible, the booking may be cancelled at any moment, following an email notification sent to the address you provided.
9. Booking cancellation costs might arise depending on the conditions imposed by each establishment.
10. Any discrepancy arising between the user and Juniper shall be governed by the current legislation in the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, and / or by the jurisdiction of the competent authorities and / or Tribunals.
11. The information you provide is strictly confidential and shall be made available exclusively to the hotel/s of your choice. It shall not be used for any other purpose other than that of Juniper. Even so, Juniper cannot be held responsible for the use of this data by the establishments of your choice, and takes for granted the diligence for its use and custody.
12. The information contained in this website might include mistakes in transcription, translation, and / or misprints of some other type, computer breakdowns, operability, and / or other similar matters and no liability shall be accepted for them.
13. When confirming the booking, you will be requested to accept these general conditions, which shall be understood as the only ones valid and any booking and / or its modification shall be subject to them.
14. Any notification for Juniper.com should be made by using the telephone or fax numbers and / or email address provided for this purpose on this website and are the only ones that are valid.
Additional Supplier Booking Terms of Use
 Additional Supplier agent Terms of Use

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